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Live Longer & Heal Faster with Gene Therapy and Stem Cells | Dr Adeel Khan

The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show


Episode Insights

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- Regenerative medicine, particularly stem cell therapy and gene therapy, aims to revolutionize healthcare by offering promising alternatives to traditional treatments for chronic diseases and aging, potentially reversing or reducing the effects of diseases like Parkinson's and type 1 diabetes.

- Annual joint replacements in the US are incredibly high due to arthritis and other issues, prompting a search for more durable and less invasive alternatives like stem cell therapy and hydrogel scaffolds, which could regenerate damaged cartilage and other tissues.

- Cortisone injections, while common, may be counterproductive in the long term, as they have been shown to accelerate joint degeneration. This raises concerns about the standard treatment pathway and the need for better patient education and informed consent.

- The effectiveness of regenerative interventions like PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy varies and is dependent on factors like cytokine profile and standardization, suggesting that not all regenerative treatments are equal or optimal for every patient.

- Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) offer groundbreaking possibilities in treating chronic diseases, with ongoing research to ensure safety, such as developing a "kill switch" mechanism to prevent tumor formation.

- Follistatin gene therapy, which increases muscle strength by inhibiting myostatin, may combat conditions related to muscle atrophy and aging but faces hurdles like FDA approval and cost barriers for widespread use.

- The success of regenerative therapies is greatly influenced by the environment into which they are introduced, underscoring the importance of a holistic approach that considers the patient's overall health and external factors like the gut microbiome and toxins.

- Japan's proactive regulatory framework fosters innovation and success in regenerative medicine, contrasting with the more cautious and politically influenced approach in the U.S. and Canada, which may slow down progress.

- Medicine 4.0 aims to sustain lifestyle changes and enhance health maintenance by merging advanced cell and gene therapies with the foundation of prevention and lifestyle modifications known as Medicine 3.0.

- Accessibility and affordability of regenerative treatments are emphasized, with the goal of integrating advanced therapies while avoiding the exorbitant costs often associated with cutting-edge medical interventions.